Bethany Bachmann Fine Art
Bethany grew up in the Midwest. Moving multiple times in her childhood she embraced the landscapes of lakes and farm country; the humid air of summer; the cold and grey skies of winter; and the smells of green grass, asphalt and fresh tomatoes. She liked to color, immersed herself in books and loved the water whether swimming or looking at the expanse of lakes.
Attending the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Bethany studied art and psychology. She has been a life long student of the body not just as an artistic form but what it means to be human. She looks at spirit, emotions, cell memories, the relationship with ourselves, others and our world. Bethany is fascinated by how movement is life and how where we get stuck can effect this. The viewer can see movement in the lines, patterns and color in her paintings. The patterns take your eyes up and around the paintings, the color is rich and vibrant playing off of one another and the lines are organic with a fluid movement.
Women are a theme in much of Bethany’s work. They are sensuous and tell a story of an emotion or state of being. The women are an avenue for self- expression yet hold a deeper meaning for her as she explores yin/feminine qualities like introspection, rest, feeling body, softness, water, earth, and moon.
Bethany chooses mediums that are tactile and colorful. Her hands are the tools for applying soft pastels to watercolor paper. The thread and beads not only add more texture but have a sense for Bethany of the women who came before her along with all the different cultures that have been using these mediums for centuries.